Claims / Vulnerable Customers Covid-19 – FAQs
Wednesday April 8, 2020

What Business Continuity Plans do MISL have in place for Claims?
The overriding message here is ‘Business As Usual’. We have successfully achieved 100% claims staff working from home, ensuring our operation remains as unaffected as possible with minimal disruption.
Customers should contact us as advised in their policy wordings in the event of any claim.
- FNOL and Windscreen - we are currently able to provide a 24/7 service as usual.
- First Party - telephony and web chat capabilities are open for customers.
- Any customers or brokers requiring a telephone discussion will receive a call back from one of our third party claims handlers.
Will MISL be able to maintain a 24hr claims line?
Yes for FNOL and Auto Windscreens. All teams are working from home on Mitel telephones as when in the office. Even if we experience high sickness, our day teams are happy to work nightshifts from home at short notice to provide adequate cover.
How can we be sure that despite MISL mitigating plans they will have sufficient staff well enough to deal with claim calls?
Any re-deployment of staff from other areas into claims will be undertaken if this becomes necessary in the future, but we are confident we have the capacity to handle all claims.
Do MSG have plans to warn customers of potential delays?
Yes - claims staff are working proactively to process claims as quickly as possible. We are updating customers if we become aware of any issues that may cause delay, as we would normally.
How are your Accident Repair Centres [either owned or in your networks] operating in the current environment?
The vast majority of repairers are fully operational and will remain so during this next phase of lockdown as they are deemed an essential service. If and when things change with repair centres potentially closing due to local or national restrictions, our supply is confident of maintaining repair capacity in all areas.
Will MISL supply chain be able to deal with claims if parts become scarce?
We are maintaining regular dialogue with our supply chain partners, specifically those involved in repair management and vehicle salvage disposals. The supply of parts may become an issue but our repair network partners are engaged in direct dialogue with dealer sites and vehicle manufacturers to continued service. We will communicate with all relevant parts if this changes. All suitable alternatives (non-original equipment parts, repair over replacement, or possibly reconditioned parts) will be considered if this is the only option available to us and the repairer, and of course with the customer’s agreement. We continue to be mindful of customer choice and specific policy wording.
- What are you doing to help people in a claim situation requiring suppliers to visit customers at home?
Repairers are completing physical vehicle inspections, with stringent safety measures being applied and pre-agreed with customers and garages prior to visits. They also have workforce capability to provide desk based image inspections as part of their ongoing support. - Loss Adjustors are also able to carry out home visits, following necessary safety guidelines, and pre-agreed with customers. They are also able to conduct their enquiries via video calls if preferred.
Do MISL have plans to prioritise claims based on customer need?
Yes, we have already implemented initiatives to provide early identification and support of frontline NHS and key workers. Repairs will be prioritised and enhanced trading terms have been agreed with repairers. We will also provide a hire car for NHS workers (free of charge) if courtesy cars are not available.
Early total loss identification continues as normal and we are now flagging any NHS and key worker policyholders to expedite their settlements.
What are MISL doing to support vulnerable customers at this difficult time?
The definition of ‘vulnerable’ has now become a lot broader and includes NHS frontline and key workers, customers over 70, those with an underlying health condition as well as customers experiencing financial hardship. These customers will be given the appropriate support at this difficult time.
From a complaints perspective, we are also looking out for vulnerable customers at the point we log or handle the complaint and are monitoring Trustpilot and other social media to identify any customers that need extra support.
We will be posting specific product updates on our Broker Hub as these emerge.
If a customer shows signs of distress in coping during these difficult times, what are MISL staff being told to do?
MISL have sent a guidance document to all customer facing staff advising how to talk to distressed customers. If deemed appropriate, they will re-direct such cases to our customer care team who have received training and are more used to these kind of sensitive interactions.
Are you concerned about an increase in fraud because of the uncertain economic situation and are you putting in extra solutions to address this?
We are always alive to the prospect of economic uncertainty increasing the levels of fraud, and so additional measures are being taken to monitor and address any changes.
What concerns do you have over the whiplash reforms being implemented on the new proposed date of the 1 August?
In a time of uncertainty, it is a case of ‘wait and see if anything changes’ on this front.
How can I contact MISL for general broker support queries?
The Broker Management team are eager to help wherever possible, so please contact your Broker Manager in the usual way, or alternatively email the Broker Management support team for assistance.
By Product
How can I contact MISL specific departments for Mid Term Adjustments, technical queries, manual quotes etc?
- Car, Commercial Vehicle and Bike (Zenith, Zenith Marque and Markerstudy)
For manual requests / changes, including NCB requests. If this is a general query that would usually be dealt with over the ‘phone, please include ‘OPS POST’ as well as the policy number in the subject line, we will then be able to identify these easily.
For all other emails sent please, categorise in the normal way i.e. OPS NON MID / OPS NCB etc. along with the policy number.
For any vehicle changes to fleet policies.
For any general fleet policy enquiries (e.g. adding drivers or noting foreign use) or urgent requests (e.g. requests for claims experience, cancellations, transfer of agency, driver referrals).
For all new business enquiries / quotes – access to the Underwriters.
For all Taxi queries / requests.
Commercial (Liabilities and Combined Policies)
For specific potential claims or queries regarding cover.
For policy MTA’s etc.
Family Fleet
For all requests from brokers, quotes, MTA’s etc.
For all requests from broker, quotes, MTA’s etc.
Motor Trade
For all requests from broker, quotes, MTA’s etc.
Other Supporting Departments
Technical underwriting information
For all documents/criteria/explanations in relation to claim referrals.
For all policy fraud enquiries, queries, referrals, CUE and validation.
For account queries from Statements and BDX.
Data Protection and Statements
For DPA and Statement requests.
EDI and Technical
For police enquiries / DPA requests / Section 29, and any other ‘technical’ policy queries.
· Loss Adjustors are also able to carry out home visits, following necessary safety guidelines, and pre-agreed with customers. They are also able to conduct their enquiries via video calls if preferred.