Focus on Motorhome and Fleet offering
Friday February 14, 2020

We offer a number of schemes for Motorhomes and Caravans for holidaying purposes through Zenith Marque, with vehicle values up to £100,000. Benefits include unlimited mileage and foreign use.
We’re pretty good at what we do and enjoy hearing from our broker partners! We recently received a lovely message from Richard House at Devitt’s. Click here to read in full.
“Markerstudy provide an always present, highly capable and knowledgeable underwriting service, along with a high level of broker support to discuss current performance along with a proactive attitude to generating ways to increase competitiveness. A pleasure to deal with.
Richard House, Devitt Insurance”
Commercial Motor Fleet
Headed up by Jamie Bartlett, our in-house fleet team has 100 years’ combined experience so you can trust them to find the right product for you. The team predominantly provides cover for standard car/vans, haulage, coach, courier and taxi fleets. We can offer competitive cover for fleets taking a long-term view on risks where a five year claims experience can be provided. We can also offer in house finance where flees are paying £50,000 or more. And the great news is policies incepted from 1st January 2020 (new business and renewals) are written 100% on Qatar Europe Limited A rated paper. Additionally fleet operations are managed in house along with the claims department which has single file ownership on all fleet claims.
Benefits include an in-house claims department with single file ownership, and finance can be offered for accounts worth £50,000 or more.
Full testimonial
‘We have been using the Markerstudy’s Motorhome facility for a few years now. The product is applied to our panel to represent our Motorhome affinity.
To help us optimise the affinity and our market standing as a specialist and competitive broker for this field, the team at Markerstudy have always been on hand to work with us to further refine the products footprint and appetite. This includes expanded rating information and club specific requirements can be accommodated and utilised. We have also benefited recently from a fast turnaround provision of a Net Rated commission scheme as well as renewal and returning customer pilot rating, which is now part of our product.
Within the Motorhome market, due to the varying nature of Makes and Models, which include bespoke builds, there is no defining vehicle list. Instead Markerstudy were able to help overcome this using an alternative approach which provides a simple and effective solution.
From a claims perspective, Caravan and Motorhome customers can be quite demanding and have an eye for perfection. Although claims frequency is relatively low in this sector, we have yet to encounter any complaints or issues in Markerstudy’s claim handling service.
Markerstudy provide an always present, highly capable and knowledgeable underwriting service, along with a high level of broker support to discuss current performance along with a proactive attitude to generating ways to increase competitiveness. A pleasure to deal with..’
Richard House, Devitt Insurance