Claims/Vulnerable Customers Covid-19 – FAQs
Thursday May 27, 2021

Frequently Asked Questions
How are your Accident Repair Centres [either owned or in your networks] operating in the current environment?
Bodyshops and dealerships have now fully re-opened, and as such, vehicle repairs have been able to be progressed to the same timescales as experienced prior to the pandemic.
Do MISL warn customers of potential delays?
Yes – whilst we are not experiencing any delays as a result of the pandemic, in accordance with our normal processes if we identify a potential delay we will notify the customer about this.
Will MISL continue to make claim payments using BACs?
Yes - as a result of the pandemic we implemented the use of BACs payments, to ensure both customers and suppliers received payments quickly. This has replaced the previous process of issuing payments by cheque; not only was this process slower but the move to BACs payments has meant customers won’t be affected by any difficulties accessing banking services in order to pay in the cheque. BACs payments will continue to be utilised in place of cheques on a permanent basis due to the benefits of using this payment method as outlined above.
Will customers continue to be allowed additional time to find a replacement vehicle after a total loss?
As garages and car dealerships have re-opened we are reverting to allowing customers 14 days to find a replacement vehicle. However, we may be able to accommodate an extension to this upon referral in exceptional circumstances.
Will customers continue to be allowed additional time to obtain an engineer’s report and MOT after a total loss, where they are retaining the salvage?
As garages have re-opened and engineer inspections are able to go ahead we are reverting to allowing customers 14 days to obtain an engineer’s report and MOT in order for cover to continue. However, we may be able to accommodate an extension to this upon referral in exceptional circumstances.
Do MISL have plans to continue prioritising claims based on customer need?
At the start of the pandemic we introduced some temporary initiatives to support frontline NHS staff and other key workers. As we are now coming out of the pandemic, our claims services will now return to business as usual, ensuring that all claims are dealt with as quickly as possible. However, in exceptional circumstances we will make every effort to expedite a claim where this is required in order to get a customer back on the road.
What is MISL doing to support vulnerable customers?
The definition of ‘vulnerable’ has now become a lot broader as a result of the pandemic. These customers will continue to be given the appropriate support.
From a complaints perspective, we are also looking out for vulnerable customers at the point we log or handle the complaint and are monitoring Trustpilot and other social media to identify any customers that need extra support.
As some impacts of the pandemic continue, if a customer shows signs of distress in coping during these difficult times, what actions are MISL staff taking?
We have provided guidance to all customer facing staff concerning how to communicate with distressed customers. If deemed appropriate, they will re-direct some customers to our Customer Care Team who have received specific training and are more used to dealing with more sensitive interactions.
Are you concerned about an increase in fraud because of the uncertain economic situation and are you putting in extra solutions to address this?
We are always alive to the prospect of economic uncertainty increasing the levels of fraud, and so additional measures are being taken to monitor and address any changes.
MISL employees are continuing to work from home at this current time, however we are hoping to start a phased return to our offices from July. Therefore the following contact details should continue to be used, and we will issue a further communication should these change.
How can I contact MISL for general broker support queries?
The Broker Management team are eager to help wherever possible, so please contact your Broker Manager in the usual way, or alternatively email the Broker Management support team for assistance.
By Product
How can I contact MISL specific departments for mid term adjustments, technical queries, manual quotes, etc?
Private Car, Commercial Vehicle and Motorcycle
For manual requests/changes, including NCB requests. If this is a general query that would usually be dealt with over the phone, please include ‘OPS POST’ as well as the policy number in the subject line, we will then be able to identify these easily. For all other emails, please categorise in the normal way i.e. OPS NON MID / OPS NCB etc. along with the policy number. Email Private Car, Commercial Vehicle and Bike
For all new business enquiries/quotes – access to the Underwriters:
For any vehicle changes to fleet policies:
For any general fleet policy enquiries (e.g. adding drivers or noting foreign use) or urgent requests (e.g. requests for claims experience, cancellations, transfer of agency, driver referrals).
For all Taxi queries/requests:
Commercial (Liabilities and Combined Policies)
For specific potential claims or queries regarding cover:
Email Commercial (Liabilities and Combined Policies)
For policy MTAs:
Family Fleet
For all requests from brokers, quotes, MTA’s:
For all requests from broker, quotes, MTA’s:
Motor Trade
For all requests from broker, quotes, MTA’s:
Other Supporting Departments
Technical Underwriting Information
For all documents/criteria/explanations in relation to claim referrals:
Email Technical Underwriting Information
For all policy fraud enquiries, queries, referrals, CUE and validation:
For account queries from Statements and BDX:
Data Protection and Statements
For DPA and Statement requests:
Email DPA and Statement requests
EDI and Technical
For police enquiries/DPA requests/Section 29, and any other ‘technical’ policy queries: